If you’re the proud owner of a beautiful collection of Hermès shoes, or if you’re planning on buying your first pair, you may know that this luxury footwear is delicate and of high-quality, and this is why it is important to take good care of it, not only to prolong its useful life, but also to keep its value intact.
Next, we will show you 5 tips to take care of Hermès shoes, so you can enjoy your luxury pieces for much longer and wear them to all your special occasions.
- How to store Hermès shoes?
- How to handle your Hermès shoes?
- How to clean Hermès shoes?
- What to do if your Hermès shoes get wet?
- Use them in special occasions
1. How to store Hermès shoes?

The way you store your Hermès shoes is key to preserve their delicate materials. This footwear is made of soft and supple calfskin, which makes it luxurious but also delicate to handle. Some Hermès shoes also feature buckles made of brass and plated in gold or palladium, so they are very exclusive materials that need proper storage to keep their shine.
It is recommended to store your Hermès shoes inside their original orange box and inside their dust bags. These shoes are securely packaged by the brand, so the owner must follow the right instructions to keep them looking pristine. Every time you finish using your shoes, put them back inside their dust bags and their original box, this way they will be protected from any external agent that may harm them.
The place where you put your Hermès shoes’ box is also crucial, make sure to put it in a ventilated space, with a stable temperature and low humidity levels, as high levels of moisture can tarnish the buckles faster and produce mold growth on the leather. Don’t put anything on top of the box, so you can avoid any deformations to the footwear. Avoid places where there is direct sunlight, as it can cause discoloration, cracks and wrinkles on the calfskin.
While storing your Hermès shoes, apply some acid-free paper inside them to keep them in shape, if you don’t have any, you can use shoe trees to keep the ideal shape for the next time you’re going to use them. This is especially useful if you have Hermès loafers.
2. How to handle your Hermès shoes?

A proper storage is not the only way in which you can make sure that your Hermès shoes keep their pristine appearance, as the way you handle them can also help tremendously. When wearing your shoes, make sure to use a shoehorn to fit them properly, this will not only help your back and arm when putting them on, but it will also put less stress on the leather, avoiding any unwanted wrinkles or cracks.
When using sandals with straps, be mindful of how you close the buckle and be careful, try not to pull the straps too hard, this may cause breakages or expand the leather with time. While using flat sandals, such as the Oran sandals, keep your feet clean, especially after going to the beach and dealing with sand, because the small sand grains can be trapped on the inner sole of the sandals.
Don’t use any lotions on your feet or any special powder before putting the shoes on, especially if they are meant to be worn without socks. The chemicals in some products can tamper with the integrity of the leather, they can cause discoloration or deformations.
Be mindful while walking or climbing stairs, avoid scratching your Hermès shoes on rough surfaces, and be particularly careful with the buckles. On rainy days avoid wearing your Hermès shoes, this way you don’t risk getting them wet or dirty under the storm.
3. How to clean Hermès shoes?

Shoes are accessories that get dirty more often, but when it comes to Hermès shoes, you must be very careful while cleaning them, as the delicate skin can’t be cleaned with just any leather conditioner. However, there are Hermès shoes made of different materials, even canvas and suede, so every material calls for different cleaning techniques. Here we show you how to clean your Hermès shoes:
- Hermès leather shoes: Hermès calfskin is a very delicate material that needs proper handling. If your leather shoes get dirty, you need to use a dry lint free-cloth to try to remove any dirt buildup or dust, don’t apply water, as it can accumulate moisture into the surface of the leather. You may use high-quality natural leather conditioner to remove heavy dirt or to bring the skin back to life.
- Hermès canvas shoes: Canvas shoes are by far the easiest to clean, you just need to grab a soft brush and apply a little bit of mild soap and little water to it. Brush the canvas carefully with circular motions and rinse by using a damp cotton cloth instead of direct water. Once the shoes are clean and free from soap, let them air dry under the shade.
- Hermès suede shoes: Suede is a material that is better not to get wet, this is why we advise you to rub one suede shoe against the other one, as suede can be cleaned with suede. Don’t rub too hard, and if you’re faced with a big and persistent stain, take the shoes to a professional luxury cleaner or to the Hermès maintenance service.
- Hermès shoes’ buckles: The buckles are not except from catching dirt while using the Hermès shoes, this is why you must clean them regularly using a dry lint-free cloth to remove dirt, dust and fingerprints from them, this way you keep them looking shiny. If your Hermès shoes’ buckles get noticeable dents or scratches, you can restore them at the Hermès maintenance service.
4. What to do if your Hermès shoes get wet?

It doesn’t matter how much you keep your Hermès shoes in perfect condition, or how careful you are, sometimes accidents can happen, or you might get caught in a storm, but there is no need to panic, you can preserve your Hermès shoes after they get wet.
The materials may vary, but the method to save them from getting wet is the same. Take your Hermès shoes and dry them carefully with a clean cotton towel, try to press them delicately to remove the excess water, don’t rub the towel harshly. Make sure to dry the buckles especially well, as the moisture can tarnish the metal faster. Dry the interior of the shoes using the same method and once they are free from excess water, let them air dry under the shade.
Once they are completely dry again, apply some leather conditioner to leather shoes, as moisture doesn’t sit well with this material. In the case of suede shoes, use a soft toothbrush and brush the material back and forth to bring back its life, you can also rub it against another suede piece.
5. Use them in special occasions

Although Hermès shoes are beautiful and luxurious accessories to complement your outfits, it is not advisable to use them every single day, especially a single pair of shoes. The recurrent or daily use of a single pair of Hermès shoes can speed up the deterioration process, putting them at risk of losing their shape, getting wet, getting stained or breaking over time.
This is why it is advisable to have a wide collection of Hermès shoes; whether they are boots, sandals, loafers or sneakers, you will have several options for every event and style that you want to rock. It is ideal to have many pairs of the same model in different colors, or different models of the same type of shoe, and it is better to distribute the use of several pairs than to use a single pair every day.
So, are you ready to take good care of your Hermès shoes? With these tips you won’t fail and you’re sure to keep your Hermès shoes pristine for longer, keeping their value and their shine for years to come.
If you’re interested in creating your own Hermès shoes collection, we invite you to enter our online store, where you will find a great variety of authentic, never-worn Hermès shoes with discounts.
At Luxury with Discounts we offer you all the authenticity documents you need to make sure that your purchase is 100% genuine.
Don’t wait any longer and buy new Hermès shoes with discounts right now!